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Monday, March 13, 2006

F1 Road show at 1U

Yesterday after we had our breakfast we head to 1U. Actually I want to go Ikiano but 1+2dad said there very boring so we want to 1U.

When we reached there we saw another road show held at the main center of new wing. Last week was Honda and this week is Petronas. We didn’t go there cause my kids saw another road show more excited.

It is Michelin counter nearby Parkson. My kids saw the Michelinman walk around and take photos with the customer. We didn’t bring along the camera but there had a guy (wear a Michelin uniform) took photos for us. First I though they need some photos for their show but after we took photos 1+2dad told me we can download the pic at their site at certain date. Wow!! New things we just know.

There also had many game and lucky draw. Changing F1 wheels and counts the Michelinman how many wheels on this body. We get a key chain and a cap from the lucky draw.

After that we walk around, pass by a high tech shop that inside got some of very high tech toys. The robot so attractive us it cost about RM 400 and a dinosaur too. Both also can use remote control to control them and it got sound sensitive too. The dinosaur just like a pet, you can touch his head and under his mouth he will show lovely like a cat. Another thing that attractive us is the dinosaur can communicate with the big robot (this cost about RM 1k plus). It will follow what the big robot asks him to do.

About the robot (small), it can do about 64 moves. It can pick up things and other but the staff didn’t show us. Some more can download new program from the site. 1+2dad may buy it as my son 4 year’s old (2nd May) birthday gift for him. For me I think it not his toys but is more for our toys..haha.


Milly said...

ahhaha... ask the robot do things for u...!! kekekek....

so expensive toy o?? he is lucky enuf to have this good daddy and mummy!!

Jess said...

wow, so pamper your son ha, buy such expensive toy! I never own anything expensive than RM400 ler, except my car!

Egghead said...

I went in that shop b4... came out in a state of shock looking at the crazy price tags... LOL!

p/s: too bad no see you at Ikano ah :P

Tracy said...

Wow! RM1K for a toy robot and dinosaur? Hee, hee, maybe daddy is thinking for his own and can play along with Carter.

Anonymous said...

actually 1+2dad wants it leh, use the son to cross bridge? hahahah...

1+2mom said...

protential mom, i'm lucky to have this son too :)

jason, we want to let him be enginer when he grow up mar so buy for him to do reserch lor.

jesslyn, me too but he is a very lucky son and have a very lucky daddy (his mom pamper him too) to buy for him.

egghead, i think the price is resonable lar not too expensive but still can effort.

tracy, yalor..actually that day he want to buy it for my son holiday toy but i stop him. I think he want to play more then Carter want.

maria, dunno 1+2dad will 过桥抽板 or not. He play all dun let his son play..muahahaha.

Lazymama said...

Sunday I was at 1U too but you were at new wing and I was at old wing! No wonder we couldn't meet.

The robot so expensive! Your hubby is very generous huh!

ZMM said...

another parents want to buy toys for themselves but use the kid as an excuse.. :|

lisaOne said...

hahaha...my hubby did that too..as the saying goes -reliving their childhood-mah :)

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